The Causes Of Most Manufacturing Injuries

Pennsylvania law guarantees certain benefits to workers who are hurt on the job. These benefits provide coverage for injury-related medical bills, as well as compensation for lost wages. It is critical for Pennsylvania employees to be well-versed in the kinds of benefits for which they could be eligible. This is especially true for those who work in certain occupations, including the manufacturing industry, which sees some of the highest workplace injury rates of any profession. To learn more about qualifying for benefits after sustaining a manufacturing injury, reach out to a dedicated Wilkes Barre workers’ compensation lawyer today.
Slips and Falls
Some of the commonly sustained manufacturing-related injuries occur after slips or falls in the workplace. Spills and even adverse weather, like snow and ice contribute to these accidents, which can result in everything from head trauma and broken bones to muscle strains and lacerations. Fortunately, employees who suffer injuries in these kinds of accidents can recover compensation under Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation system, regardless of negligence.
Contact with Harmful Substances
Those employed in the manufacturing industry are also more at risk of being injured by harmful chemicals and industrial materials than are workers in other professions. Many of those employed in manufacturing, for instance, are forced to come into contact with dangerous substances like arsenic, mercury, ammonia, and benzene, which are used to produce everything from glass and electronics to cosmetics and agricultural products. These kinds of toxic industrial chemicals can enter the body through the skin, through digestion, or through inhalation and can have devastating consequences, causing certain cancers, respiratory problems, and even heart failure.
Repetitive Motion
While many people have only heard of repetitive motion injuries in the context of wrist strain and carpal tunnel syndrome in office workers, these types of injuries can actually occur in any industry that requires the performance of the same movements over and over again. This includes manufacturing jobs, such as factory work. For instance, many people who work on assembly lines also suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, which occurs when the tendons and ligaments become compressed and swollen. Other common repetitive motion injuries include tendonitis and bursitis.
What Does Workers’ Comp Cover?
Financial burdens associated with on-the-job injuries are eligible for coverage under the workers’ compensation system. Examples include reimbursement for medical expenses related to diagnosing and treating the injury, as well as rehabilitation and long-term care. Workers’ comp also often covers lost wages and in the case of fatal accidents, death benefits and funeral expenses. Manufacturing employees who are hurt on the job are entitled to this type of compensation if they are hurt on the job. If your own employer is refusing to cover your losses, reach out to our legal team today to learn more about your legal options.
Set Up a Meeting Today
Please call the Figured Law Firm at 570-954-9299 to speak with an experienced Pennsylvania workers’ compensation attorney about filing an injury claim with your employer. We offer free consultations.